Mmmmmmm...I think you just may have hit what just may be the plague of 
American distance running...;)  Sort of the whole "Why do one thing great 
when you can do 2 or 3 things good?". Don't race, train. Train more, race 
less. Some of the best marathoners in the world only run 2 or 3 races all 
year....and they are marathons at that. There is a time to train hard and a 
time to take it easy..."Ya gotta...know when ta hold em...know when ta fold 
em...know when ta walk away...and know when ta run." Anyway, enough of this 

Just some thoughts folks, nothing more, nothing less...


>From: "Tom Derderian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Tom Derderian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: t-and-f: Tergat Out Of World Cross!
>Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 13:06:48 -0500
>Referring to cross-country and the marathon:
>``The training methods for the two events are very different and it would 
>pretentious to think I can handle both competently,'' Tergat said.
>Imagine an American athlete declining to be pretentious!
>humble Tom

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