The idea that any amount US TV money will provoke the IOC to withdraw its
recognition of IAAF as the official governing body of athletics for Olympic
purposes (after 88 years! ) is toying with futility.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of R.T.
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 4:31 AM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: IAAF threat to expel US federation

Let's take it the other direction (for a "suppose")...

Say the USATF doesn't wait for the bullet to be fired,
but summarily WITHDRAWS from the IAAF.

Not without preparation of course...
before making such an announcement they would
approach a few other key track powers of "like mind",
and agree to form a new international governing body to
replace the IAAF.

The announcement of the new governing body would come at
the same time of the announcement of the U.S. withdrawal
(along with those key allies) from the IAAF, and include
an open invitation for other "defectors".

The key then becomes whether the IOC would withdraw
recognition of IAAF as the governing body for the sport
for Olympics purposes, and replace IAAF with the new
governing body.
Remember that the IOC depends on U.S. corporation dollars
(mega-bucks), and those mega-bucks suddenly disappear if
the U.S. and other key powers aren't in the Olympics.

Motto: the best defense is a good offense.

Motto #2: Effective deterrence means if the other side strikes,
they are assured of retaliatory total destruction.

Go right ahead, IAAF :-)


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