Bravo, Reuben!

I would additionally ask, how much of us, list members, have been reporting 
results to list?
I guess it's great minority. Most of us let this work to others - it's much 
simpler to chat about ANYTHING around sports, not actually sports itself. 
Providing results needs some work and accuracy, chatting does not.

Best wishes to all,

 >Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 19:18:40 -0800 (PST)
 >From: Reuben Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Subject: RE: t-and-f: Fwd: Re: results in newspapers
 >We've gone over this many times before.
 >Newspaper editors fill their pages with what they
 >believe people want to read.
 >Of course there are exceptions, but the vast majority
 >aren't pro-anything or aren't anti-anything. They're
 >not biased against T&F. They are simply trying to do
 >their job. Sports editors don't sit around thinking
 >how they can screw track and field today. They sit
 >around asking what they can do to better serve their
 >And it's easy to rip newspapers for not going big with
 >world junior XC, but most sports editors (including
 >mine, who has a long T&F background) had no idea
 >Ritz's third-place finish was significant when the
 >results came across their computers.
 >When Webb ran 3:59, it got huge play everywhere.
 >Editors across the U.S. instantly recognized that this
 >was big. Not the same with world junior XC, even if it
 >might have been a greater accomplishment in the big
 >Hey, how do you expect sports editors to react when
 >all they see at major televised meets is empty seats?

Enn Endjärv,
decathlon statistician
Tallinn, Estonia
Look for decathlon information at

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