Steve wrote:

>However,to see this World record was awesome. I think the only person who 
>have a chance of challenging the womens 400 record would be Marion Jones 
>she may have to run it in a similar way ...really hit it hard early and use
>her huge strength to maintain form in the straight.

I have a question .. Prior to Irena Szewinska women ran the 400 like a non 
sprint - more paced .. Irena brought the 400 to the land of the sprinter .. 
The E. Germans followed (Brehmer, Koch, Wockel, and others) ... And through 
the 80s and early 90s there was some true "speed" in the event (primarily 
Perec with some forays by Torrence and Privalova) ...

Why is it that sprinters left the event ??? I mean Freeman has ok speed but 
nothing on the level of the others ... Breuer sprinted early in her career 
but has not since her return from suspension (and frankly I think is why she 
isn't the dominant Q-miler she should be) .. And even using Breuer as an 
example .. She runs so much better in the relays .. Primarily becasue she is 
behind and has to "sprint" during the first part of the race...

Have female quartermilers abandonded the "sprint" philosphy of the quarter 
??? And if so why ??? It is definitely a race in stagnation ... And I would 
not put it all on "drugs" as there definitely seems to be a chaneg in the 
race strategy itself - for the worse ..

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