Keith Conning brings up the subject of curbless tracks in the public arena, 
so let's talk about them: 

Keith seems to indicate to the group that because Wayne Armburst says some 
tracks are mismeasured so then, a track without a curb has to be mismeasured. 
 I will pass that information on to the engineer gentleman we paid $20,000 to 
supervise construction on our track and field facility.  Further I will pass 
on the word to Jeb Burgess and the group at Southwest Recreation who charged 
us over $200,000 to re-do the track this past summer that our facility must 
be short (or long or ???).  

Why do we have a track without a curb?  Our track was built with $269,000 of 
money that did not include any from our school district.  With the 
configuration of the old curb and the laying down of the all-weather facility 
the track surface came level with the old cement curb.  We did not have the 
money to build a track and buy a curb, and it is legal to have a track 
without a curb (and be a measured 400 meters), so for financial concerns we 
did that.   Our Principal has indicated he will start a fund with Mr. Conning 
the first donor to build our new track curb, since they did help us refurbish 
the facility last year at a total cost of $210,000, with the money for the 
curb again falling short.

As for wear on the inner lane line of the track.  Our Head Turn Judge at our 
final Invitational meeting this evening indicated that he would like to 
apologize to Mr. Conning for the mistakes of his crew in officiating our 
affair.  We do have turn judges and they would like specific instances of 
violations Mr. Conning has observed.  He will consider replacing those 
officials who make constant errors, as is intimated.  In reality, we are a 
high school of 3500 students, with 2000 students in physical education each 
day (it is a two -year requirement in California) with most of the PE and 
athletic classes having the kids run at least a couple of laps per day on the 
facility.  On top of that the facility is open 24 hours a day to joggers, and 
is a nice option with lights and all as opposed to the street scene after 
hours.  Today, as I left school we had six elementary schools and three 
middle schools in a meet on the track at a meet.  I am inclined to think some 
of these people may run on the lane line and leave it a bit worn.  

Mr. Conning cheapens the efforts of the fine athletes who have graced our 
facility through the years, as well as the officials who keep track of such 
matters with his inference that (and I quote him) "it is easy to cut off 
distance around the turns."   He indicated in e-mail to me that we should 
take steps so that the runners will run the full 400 meters each lap in our 
competition this year.  I do not know, and he does not seem to be able to 
indicate, when this has not happened.   There are reasons why there is not a 
curb, summarized above, with the facility quite legal and officials available 
to observe lane violations. 

A simple suggestion among friends like, "Hey, did you ever consider cones 
around the turn to deal with possible cricitism that people might sneak in a 
step or two inside the line, " would have been nice.  Instead Mr. Conning 
last year went to some of the record keepers in the sport and suggested that 
no marks from our site should be considered for record purposes because of 
the "no curb" situation.  He never came to me until today with a suggestion 
about any cones. We all make choices on our style of 

And, oh yes, by the way, Mr. Conning--if you try to find Arcadia HS in 
Glendora, California you might be a half an hour late for our April 14th 
competition.  Our School is Arcadia HS in Arcadia 15 minutes back on the 
freeway, with the first Invitational Event Nik Arrhenius of Utah, who has 
thrown 218 feet this year in the Discus, going after Kamy Keshmiri's National 
Federation and Meet Record in the event at 224-03, set on our facility in 
1987 in the Arcadia Invitational.  Despite our problems require some good 
athletes still come to our meet.           

Yes, we will have cones around the turn at this year's meet, with the 
inference that the failure to provide these in the past somehow making the 
efforts of athletes cheaper, strongly objected to.  Some 500 schools and 2000 
athletes will grace our facility in two weekends, with our staff willing to 
accept any and all suggestions to make the situation tops for those great 

If anyone else would like to help donations for a curb we will add to the 

Doug Speck
Athletic Director - Arcadia HS 
Former Meet Director - Arcadia Invitational 


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