Those are the numbers. That difference IS cultural. The interesting
>question is why.
>Tom Derderian

Could be because our culture has changed a lot in the past 50 years. The 
computer and television has produced lazy people. 50 years ago a lot of 
people in America still lived a relatively rural life. Children played 
outside more, they ran around more, 50 years ago. Also, today children get 
the majority of their vegetables as McDonalds french fries. Fast 
food+sitting and watching TV or playing games = fat and lazy children = slow 
runners. Also, you have to consider the fact that with most Africans running 
is a way to bring home a huge cash cow to feed their families for 
generations. The average American can go run a race, do poorly or average 
and still come home to a pretty good life. The average African can go run a 
race, do poorly or average and come home to a relatively poor life.

Give the Africans the fast food and fast life of America and see what 
happens. Build up the culture, make it more "American", wait 10 years, then 
see how fast they run. This can be seen on a lesser scale by the Africans 
competing in American colleges. Granted the talent level most likely isn't 
top tier but there have been a lot of African collegians in the US to 
disappear into the void. Could be because of "American" living? Fast food? 

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