Man, that is ridiculous Kebba!
Put all the weight of the country on the kids back.  He has earned that
"privilege."  Your soft shoe is the exact complaint I have about the distance
mindset in this country, and you are a sprint rep!  
I thought it was the greatest thing I had seen in a long time.  I got to
watch a high school legend run a legendary race.  That is what I love about
track and field.  I have seen all the great sprint races in my life, and I am
more than pleased to see the fortunes of US distance running get a needed
shot in the arm.
How priceless was the post race scene.  Webb was embraced by the greatest
miler to date, and hugged by the wfh.  Then he was dragged around the track
by a man I am sure he has idolized his whole career.
There are no if, and's, or but's to this story.  Webb is an official legend,
and that was a special moment to be cherished, period!!!!

Darrell Smith
Faith is a road seldom traveled
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12: 1-2

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