Courtesy IAAF,


11 July 2001 - Debrecen, Hungary - With 1335 athletes from 166 nations
around the world, the
IAAF/Westel World Youth Championships in Athletics, which starts here
tomorrow, 12 July and continues through Sunday, 15 July, is set to be
the greatest celebration of youthful talent on the world sporting scene
this year.

While the event will give the majority of the athletes participating
their first taste of an international athletics competition, it will
also be for many of them their first trip out of their own country and
their first opportunity to gauge their skills and talent
against their peers from other horizons.

Hundreds of young hopefuls are gathered here in the second biggest city
of Hungary for a chance to put to the test the abilities
that they have honed through years of training and dedication to this,
the most demanding of sports.

Athletics at the international level is the culmination of a long battle
against the toughest of adversaries - oneself. Every youngster here has
already learnt the need to build their own discipline, the need to train
when their friends are out playing and the ethics of work and dedication
that are essential when one wishes to reach the top.

But here in Debrecen, these rising young talents will have the
opportunity to enjoy themselves, to meet their peers from around the
world and to build friendships that will in many cases last a lifetime.
For these friendships will have as their basis a wonderful
shared experience, that of competing in a land distant from their homes
against other young people of their age who come from a myriad different
cultures and ethnicities. Some of the youngsters here in Debrecen come
from the richest countries in the world, others from the poorest
developing nations, but here they have a common goal that can bridge all
the barriers that such diverse origins would seem to create: express
themselves through their sport in a wonderful festival of youth and
enthusiasm untainted by prejudices or politics, truly a communion of
kindred spirits.

Live results and reports from Debrecen can be found on the Official IAAF
web site:

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