Yes, I was thinking primarily of U.S. throwers who later openly admitted
they used steroids (which were legal until the 70s--or at least not banned
by athletic organizations).

There are those on this list who can relate stories of American and Soviet
athletes discussing their cycles in teh 70s and 80s.  It was never a one
sided issue.  Take note of the heat Bannister got when he suggested
testing for steroids prompting angry British athletes to complain that
they would no longer be able to compete equally.

Unless you can fund monthly blood testing for every elite athlete you are
not going to get rid of drugs (and even then you couldn't).

I hate the drug use in the sport, but I've grown to hate the negative
publicity that track gets more and I've become resigned to the fact that
we can't get rid of it.  I finally decided that I would enjoy trcak for
competition and not worry about who is or is not using (though I admit I
root a little harder for a few guys I am "sure" are not using anything).


On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Dan Kaplan wrote:

> Aren't we mixing eras?  As I read Paul's question, it applies to the 50's
> and 60's, not the spotty testing during the East German machine of the
> 70's and 80's.
> Dan
> > From: P.F.Talbot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > <<When drug use was widespread and open in the 1960's (at least as far
> > as steroids were concerned), the sport was popular and no one looks
> > back on the pre-testing era with disgust do they? >>>
> >
> --- "Mcewen, Brian T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I look at a picture of Kratochvilova churning home in 1:53 ... looking
> > every bit like a stocky Czech man with a short perm ... and am
> > disgusted ... no, maybe revolted is a better word.
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Paul Talbot
Department of Geography/
Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado, Boulder
Boulder CO 80309-0260
(303) 492-3248

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