Brian wrote:
> This is all off the top of my pointy head ... so forgive any errors.
> Reading the August TaFnews over the weekend and checking Zurich results
> online (almost at the same time), I noticed that Tim Montgomery had
> completed something close to this:
> Modesto? 9.96? win
> other meet 9.92? win
> Nationals 9.90? win
> Bislett 9.84 win
> Edmonton 9.90? 2nd
> Zurich 9.90 win
> Gateshead      10.27 win
> I am pretty sure most of these times were wind-legal also.  Sprint fans
> say: So what?  We already know this.
> I just don't think there has ever been a season this good (read:
> consistently fast), by a 100m-only sprinter who will likely be #2 in the
> world for the season.  Has there?

Off the top of my less pointy head I would say Greene in 97 .. Who was as
fast and WON the WCs .. But Fredericks won the major Grand Prix races ..

Or Fredericks in 96 .. Who was very fast and won during the Grand Prix
season but LOST the Olympics to Bailey's WR while running a 9.89 of his own

Andre Cason had a string of fast races in 93 but lost the World's to
Christie ..

Carl Lewis set a WR and WON The World's in 91 but was ranked second to
Burrell .. But if I remember his overall season was somewhat spotty time
wise (at least at the high end level) ...

And Ato Boldon has had several season with fast times but not the wins that
counted ..

And as I write this I see a pattern developing .. That it doesn't matter how
fast you run in odd numbered seasons if you can win the one's that matter ..

Conway Hill

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