apparently, the intended sarcasm didn't come through as i had 
intended....the fact is, i dig what the kid has to say.  that doesn't mean i 
always agree with him, or that much of what he says wouldn't pack a much 
greater wallop if he ran as well as he has a bit more consistently...

my point is that we gripe and moan about a definite lack of exposure, a lack 
of 'personalities', a lack of anything where the rest of the american 
sporting scene is concerned and now we've got an interesting head going with 
a very talented body and it's time for him to "shut up and get a normal hair 
cut"?  no thanks.  just because he doesn't fit into someone else's paradigm 
of good behavior befitting a creative, intelligent athlete in his early 
20's, doesn't mean i don't have room for him in my spectrum.

i'll take gabe's weirdness anytime: good, bad or indifferent.

besides, most distance guys i know are nuttier than a stuckey's pecan 
log...they just don't have articles written about them,their antics or their 
thoughts  on something other than how it feels to run four laps in under 
four minutes.

"when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."


Subject: Re: t-and-f: Jennings craps out
Date: Fri, 31 May 2002 09:20:27 EDT

Excellent  answer as a coach and human being re: Gabe

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