Guido, Leroy, etc

I don't know what will happen, but I doubt whether he'll get more punishment than being
sent to sit in the corner with a dunce hat on.  We can always dream, though!


malmo wrote:

> Penalty phase?
> Like we already told youze guys how diss works out. Da Nike goons paid
> off tribute to da suits at da USATF just for times like deeze. Nobody
> from da Nike Family gets caught for nuttin' until da contract runs out.
> Masback doan know nuttin, nobody doan know nuttin, and you doan know
> nuttin eeder if you knows whats good for ya?
> You guys tink dat Marion is usin da same cornbread and greens recipe on
> Timmy as what whacked CJ? You guys can't prove nuttin!
> Guido and Leroy
> Da Management, Inc.

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