Agreed.  My classroom walls are plastered with TFN covers.  I'd love to add
more poster size stuff!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: T&FN's centerfold

Geoff Pietsch wrote:
>     Am I alone in hoping that a regular centerfold, like the one of Jorge
> Torres in this month's issue (I get it late - our snails move really
> slowly), will be a regular feature?  I still have a bunch of full-sized
> posters of folks like Brendan Foster and Shorter and Viren that T&FN used
> sell back in the '70s. I wish they were still around, but centerfold
> would be good substitutes. Easy for coaches to remove and post on bulletin
> boards.
And there are certainly plenty of female athletes around these days who
would make good centerfolds!  I still have Amy Acuff's risque calendar up in
my home office, with the sado-Stacey Dragila picture prominently displayed.

I remember that poster series well.  I used to have the Juantorena and John
Walker posters but sadly have let them get away from me.   I keep telling
myself that I'm at least going to get one of the good (but expensive)
Prefontaine posters which are still available.  But a new series of posters
and/or centerfolds would be great.  Hell, USATF should be doing this, too.


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