I voted for Cinders for two reasons.  1.  The obvious - he should be burned.
2.  Throwback to the old days.

-----Original Message-----
From: ghill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 3:16 PM
To: track list
Subject: t-and-f: Mascot choices

I'm biased, perhaps, because I've thought all along that "Spike" was the
best name (even though that's not one of the heh-heh, much more intriguing
names I submitted when given the chance!), but it looks to me as if that's
what USATF really wants, because the other 4 names are brutally bad. I think
they want Spike to win.

It's a good tie-in with the Golden Spike Tour. Indeed, perhaps they should
even take to calling him Golden Spike (no Promontory, Utah, pun intended).
Could even change the color on him a bit to get some gold in there.


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