While it would be foolish to count on an A mark in the trials, it also
is foolish to overstate the conditions they will be facing. Yearly
averages for evenings in Sacto are quite conducive to fast running.

Expect to see the kid to pop sub a 13:10 in late June or early July.
This one's the real deal.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of edndana
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 3:33 PM
To: "Athletics"
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Ritzenhein sets U.S. collegiate record

Malmo -

    Agreed on difficulty in three months, but NO one should be counting
on getting an A standard in Sacramento or afterwards.  It would be
taking a huge risk in terms of the weather at the trials.  Plus, as I
said, this year you could win the trials but if four guys behind you
have A standards, you do not get to go to the Olympics because four
entries have to be in by 7/21.

    While I believe that he is capable of faster in three months, I
still maintain that it is unreasonable to say that he can get it "at
will" based on what he has done thus far.  And of course the implication
is that he would do it at Big 12, NCAA, or Sacramento.  And I still say
that would be leaving way too much to chance.

- Ed

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "malmo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'edndana'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'"Athletics"'"
Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 2:55 PM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Ritzenhein sets U.S. collegiate record

> Sorry Ed, this one's just coming into form. What's difficult for him 
> now won't be in three months.
> malmo
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of edndana
> Sent: Saturday, May 01, 2004 3:06 PM
> To: "Athletics"
> Subject: Re: t-and-f: Ritzenhein sets U.S. collegiate record
> > He undoubtedly could have gotten  his "A" Standard in the 10,000 
> > more or
> less at will.
> He beat the standard by a little over 10 seconds in what are likely to

> be the best and fastest conditions he faces all year.  He indicated 
> how hard it was and how he was just trying to keep up at the end.  
> Hardly cause to suggest he could get it "at will".
> I do agree that running a 5 the next day is chancy.  Hopefully he 
> won't have to run too hard.
> - Ed

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