It was hot and quite windy.

Benji Durden

2004 Bolder Boulder International Team Challenge
Professional Men's 10K - Individual Results
1. Paul Koech, Kenya, 29:19
2. Meb Keflezighi, U S A, 29:30
3. Tekeste Kebede, Ethiopia, 29:43
4. Jonathan Wyatt, New Zealand, 29:46
5. Gudisa Shentama, Ethiopia, 29:47
6. James Koskei, Kenya, 29:56
7. William Naranjo, Colombia, 30:01
8. Abdi Abdirahman, U S A, 30:10
9. Alan Culpepper, U S A, 30:14
10. Michael Aish, New Zealand, 30:24
11. Franklin Tenorio, Ecuador, 30:32
12. Silvio Guerra, Ecuador, 30:32
13. Francisco Bautista, Mexico, 30:34
14. Benjamin Maiyo, Kenya, 30:36
15. Kim Gillard, Australia, 30:56
16. Gabino Apolonia, Mexico, 31:00
17. Javier Guarin, Colombia, 31:03
18. John Henwood, New Zealand, 31:04
19. Abraham Assefa, Ethiopia, 31:06
20. Julian Berrio, Colombia, 31:13
21. Pedro Mora, Venezuela, 31:20
22. Cesar Gualotuna, Ecuador, 31:31
23. You Youngjin, Korea, 31:32
24. Brett Cartwright, Australia, 31:38
25. Ji Youngjun, Korea, 31:42
26. Jose Augusto Acierno, Mexico, 31:58
27. Martin Dent, Australia, 31:58
28. Andi Jones, Great Britain, 32:06
29. Javier Gomez, Costa Rica, 32:14
30. Jason Ward, Great Britain, 32:18
31. Andrew Norman, Great Britain, 32:23
32. Larryn Sanchez, Venezuela, 32:28
33. Eric Quiroz, Costa Rica, 33:29
34. Jefrey Perez, Costa Rica, 33:43
35. Yoo Sunghoe, Korea, 33:45
36. Freddy Alvarado, Venezuela, 33:54

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