Who says that going to Conte would have been the "start" of drug use ?? Could have been a change of vendors ...

Conway Hill

"If there must be trouble let it be in my day, that my child may have peace." 
-Thomas Paine

Roger Ruth wrote:

If I'd had any doubt that the t-and-f list was comatose, today's lack of
any response to news reports on Marion Jones' use of performance-enhancing
drugs would resolve those doubts. Here, we have the most outstanding female
sprinter of the last decade claimed by BALCO CEO Victor Conte to have
injected drugs, under his supervision and in his sight, in the weeks
leading up to the 2000 Olympics; and not one post on Jones' culpability or
Conte's purpose in lying.

Try this for size: If Jones had turned to drugs because, after having a
baby, her rate of recovery to previous performance levels had proven
unexpectedly slow and jeopardized her chances of making the team for
Athens, that might make some hypothetical sense. But for her to turn to
drugs "in the weeks leading up to the 2000 Olympics." when she already had
proven herself the world's best sprinter of that time seems ludicrous.

Surely there must still be list members who know enough about sprinting
and/or performance-enhancing drugs to offer some perspective on Conte's
claims and the circumstances I've described as not believable. Can we
please hear from them?

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