
By Tom Knight 
(Filed: 15/04/2005)

It has been a long time since Paula Radcliffe had a genuine rival and
no one is more surprised than Susan Chepkemei that she will fill that
role in Sunday's London Marathon.

Chepkemei and Radcliffe have been racing each other since they were
juniors. Radcliffe holds a 16-5 advantage in race wins but their
careers changed course over the final few miles of last November's New
York Marathon.

The two old friends ran stride for stride through Central Park and it
was Radcliffe's drive for redemption following her Olympic failures
that proved the decisive factor. The Briton produced a sprint over the
last 200 metres to win by four seconds in one of the most thrilling
marathon finishes ever seen.

Victory may have made Radcliffe feel better but the race also fired
Chepkemei. The 29-year-old has finished fourth and fifth in London and
believes the New York experience has given her the confidence to beat

Chepkemei said: "I've raced a lot of marathons and I've never been as
close to Paula as I was in New York. No one thought it would be me who
was closest to her. It gave me a lot of motivation that I can do it.

"I haven't won the London Marathon yet but maybe one day I will.
Hopefully, that will be on Sunday."

Chepkemei comes to London after a topsy-turvy winter that included
victory in the Lisbon half-marathon but also a short-lived 12-month
ban from the Kenyan federation for her late arrival at the national
training camp.

The federation were outraged that Chepkemei had chosen to race in
Puerto Rico instead of travelling to Kenya for the camp which
traditionally precedes the World Cross-Country Championships in March.
She was banned from all competitions for a year and it was only after
much negotiation that the penalty was waived.

"It was all a misunderstanding," said Chepkemei, who has been training
hard for London with a regime that included more speed work.

She said: "I recovered very quickly after New York because I was so
excited about the result. I realised that I did not have enough speed
in my legs for the finish so I have been working on that."

The problem for Chepkemei and the rest of the women's elite field on
Sunday will be staying close enough to Radcliffe to make their
finishing speed count.

Radcliffe set her world record of 2hr 15min 25sec on the London course
in 2003, when she was aided by two male pacemakers. This year, in a
women-only race, she has asked for pacemakers to take her to halfway
in 68min 30sec. Such a pace would put Radcliffe on target for 2-18-56,
the women-only course record that could earn her bonuses of over

Chepkemei and Margaret Okayo, the defending champion, shook their
heads at the thought of running so quickly for the first 13 miles.

Benita Johnson, the Australian who won last year's world cross-country
title, is looking for a massive improvement on the 2-38-04 she clocked
in New York but admitted her halfway target would be nearer 72min.

Much will depend on Radcliffe's tactics on a day when runners could
have to battle the wind and rain. On paper, she is four minutes
quicker than the rest of the field and, it is understood, the Bedford
athlete has been training exceptionally hard for this London Marathon.

Her aim was to improve her world record but those plans had to be
modified when she was surprisingly beaten over 10km in New Orleans
three weeks ago. That is why marathon organisers and Radcliffe have
targeted the slower record of 2-18-56. Alan Storey, UK Athletics'
technical director for endurance running, who was the London
Marathon's general manager between 1992-2001, said: "Given the
conditions, setting off at 68-30 is probably ideal and quick enough to
get Paula clear of the opposition, but not that fast to cause her

It remains to be seen, however, if Radcliffe is in that sort of form
and whether Chepkemei and the rest can raise their game.

The unknown factor could be Sun Yingjie, the Chinese world
half-marathon champion who was injured when she finished seventh last
year. She is the second-quickest in the field with the 2-19-39 she
clocked in 2003.

The marathon lost one of its principal starters yesterday when Lord
Coe, the chairman of London 2012, said he had to be in Berlin to
present the city's Olympic bid at the Sport Accord Convention.


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