2011/4/18 Nathan Edgars II <nerou...@gmail.com>:
> On 4/18/2011 1:22 PM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>> 2011/4/18 Nathan Edgars II<nerou...@gmail.com>:
>>> In that case, where one legally has to use the sidepath, the main roadway
>>> should be tagged bicycle=no or bicycle=local.
>> no.
>> It is an implication and as I tried to say, there are exceptions (if
>> the usage of the cycleway is not reasonable, be if for its condition
>> (snow, state of the paving, littering, parked cars, ...)
> Just like you're allowed to drive (with extreme care) on the wrong side of a
> dual carriageway if a fallen tree is blocking the correct side.

no, less. There is no prohibition for bikes on the street, there is an
obligation to use the cycleway.

> Good point. Perhaps a modification of local could cover this case (use only
> if it's locally the shortest path)? Or maybe we could just leave the highway
> untagged and trust that a cyclist will know the rules, since what really
> matters is when one cannot make a certain movement by bike (hence it's
> important to tag sidewalks on one-way streets bicycle=no if there's a legal
> prohibition).

I feel the correct way to deal with this would be to associate the
cycleway with the street (relation).

btw: There are also hard core cyclists who like to ride on the street
and who want to avoid cycleways in general and who as a consequence
want to avoid this street because if they would take it they would
have to take the cycleway.


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