I'm completely confused about whether or not I need JSTL with Struts.  All
I'm trying to do is iterate through a collection and present radio buttons,
the value of which comes from a property of the things in the collection:

<logic:iterate id="resView" name="foundPersons" >
        <html:radio name="resView" property="key" value="${resView.key}" />
        <bean:write name="resView" property="key" filter="true"/>

Do I need to switch to c:forEach instead of logic:iterate?

If it helps, foundPersons is an ArrayList of ResolutionView objects.  The
ResolutionView class has a method called getKey(), and the String return
value of that is what I need to be the "value" of my radio button tag.

HELP!  I've just today moved to Tomcat 4.1.12, only recently gotten a
tentative handle on Struts, and now am trying to throw JSTL into the mix.
It's not going well.

Wendy Smoak

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