
I have an XML file with content listed below:

- <dan datum="2003-11-06">
- <spored kino="Planet Tus Celje">
- <film id="282" language="sl">
  <naslov_si>Ameriska pita: poroka</naslov_si> 
  <naslov_en>American Pie 2</naslov_en> 
- <predstava>
  <ura cena="900">15:30</ura> 
  <ura cena="900">18:40</ura> 
  <ura cena="900">20:50</ura> 
 <dan datum="2003-11-07">
- <spored kino="Planet Tus Celje">
- <film id="282" language="sl">
  <naslov_si>Ameriska pita: poroka</naslov_si> 
  <naslov_en>American Pie 2</naslov_en> 
- <predstava>
  <ura cena="900">15:30</ura> 
  <ura cena="900">18:40</ura> 
  <ura cena="900">20:50</ura> 
  <ura cena="900">23:00</ura> 

This XML I format with XSLT taglib (<xsltlib:style xml="url of the XML file" xsl="XSL 

Is it possilble to pass parameter to the XSL to get entries only for the specific date 
for example 2003-11-06 (in the XML file there are entries for one week)?


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