In a Struts Action, I place a Map in session scope depending on what
year the user has chosen-- there may be Maps there named 2002accounts,
2001accounts, etc.

Now to display the contents of the Map, I tried:
<c:forEach items="${year+'accounts'}" var="account">

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: An error occurred while evaluating
custom action attribute "items" with value
"${['year']+'accounts'}": An exception occured trying to
convert String "accounts" to type "java.lang.Long"

How can I convince it that '2002' is just a String?  I've tried other
variations, and sometimes it complains about a Double instead of a Long.

I tried flipping the order so it's 'accounts2002' but I got the same
error.  I bet this is very simple and I'm just not awake yet...

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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