That should tell you why this does not work.

And no, the expert group did not come to a concensus on this
for JSTL 1.1 and this will have to be tackled in

-- Pierre

Kralidis,Tom [Burlington] wrote:


We've been using JSTL 1.0, with success, to process some web services within
our software.

When processing an XML document which has a target namespace, i.e.:

<MyOutput version="1.0.0" xmlns="http://localhost/myoutput";

With the following code snippet:

  <c:import url="${requestURL}" varReader="xmlSource">
   <x:parse var="doc" xml="${xmlSource}" scope="application" />
  <x:out select="$doc/MyOutput/@version"/>


No value is returned on x:out.  If the XML document has no target namespace,
all works as expected.

Any suggestions here?  We are starting to deal with alot of XML which is
designed in this fashion.  We also run into the same issue for XML document
with elements which have namespaces, i.e. <gml:name>tom</gml:name>.

Thanks much


Tom Kralidis
Systems Scientist
Environment Canada
Tel: +01-905-336-4409

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