Fixing my web.xml fixed the problem.  Thankyou so very much for your
help.  I had been working on that for 3 days if you can believe it.  You
fixed it for me in a matter of minutes.

Thanks again


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/14/04 10:16AM >>>

You might want to check to see if your web.xml file is
setup correctly.  Here is a link to the differences: 

You should make sure that your web.xml has the header
for JSP 2.0 (JSTL 1.1).


--- Andrew Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all -
> I have this bit of code in a jsp page.
> <%@ taglib prefix="c"
> uri=""; %>
> <c:set var="blah" scope="application">
> blah
> </c:set>
> <c:out value="${blah}" default="blah was emtpy"/>
> Here is the output I get on the html page.
> ${blah}.  
> I looked at the actual html generated and that is
> all there is.  I
> thought maybe there would be a "<c:out" or something
> but there isn't. 
> No errors, no nothing.
> So I thought maybe there was something wrong with my
> container
> installation.  I then installed the example apps and
> installed them and
> they worked perfectly.  So now I'm stumped.  If
> anyone has any idea I
> would love to hear it.
> I have tried java 1.4 and java 1.3(with the extra
> libraries in my
> WEB-INF/lib) but still I have had no luck.
> Thanks for any and all help.
> //Andy  
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