> From: David Liles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> 4. c-1_0.tld, taglibs-iterators.tld are in the WEB-INF folder 
> (plus other required tld's)

Why?  The tld files are in their respective .jar files and should work
from there.  Maybe one of your environments is using the tld in the .jar
file, and the other is using the one in WEB-INF?

And you have:
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/c" prefix="c" %>

So wouldn't it be looking for c.tld, not c-1_0.tld as you wrote above?
I haven't had tld's "loose" in WEB-INF for a long time, I don't remember
how it works.

Something to try... look in your standard.jar and find the tld file.
View it, and there will be a line like this:

Removing the tld from under WEB-INF and change the <%@ taglib in your
JSP to:
   <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; prefix="c" %>
(With the URI matching the one you found in the TLD file.)

I have no idea why it works one place and not the other, but I've
experienced something similar with code working fine on my Windows
development PC and refusing to cooperate on my HP-UX web server.

Wendy Smoak

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