Robert Bowen wrote:
> Is this possible? According to the docs it is. But when I try the following:
> <c:set var="path" value="/images/splash.jpg" scope="page" />
> <img:image src="${path}"/>
> The page fails saying File Not Found: '${path}'. Meaning it's not 
> interpreting the path variable, but rather just spitting it back
> out as plain text. Yes, I have the core jstl libraries working
> properly, since the following statement:
> path is <c:out value="${path}" />

is meaningless :-)  -- does

  path is ${path}

work? If not, you're not using JSTL 1.1 and/or Servlet 2.4, where
the *container* interprets/expands EL statements.

A more precise answer would be possible with actual information
about your configuration...

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
                          dream.  code.

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