Hello everyone,

I'm trying to display a list of items in a collection using JSTL.

Each item in the collection has x, y, z and id variables.

The user can choose whether he wants the display order (of the items
in the collection) to be

1) x y z
2) z y x

As far as I know the display ordering can be accomplished in two ways:
1) as shown in the code snippet below, create two different loops for
each display format. The drawback with this approach is that a lot of
the common stuff is duplicated between the two loops.

2) Have a c:choose , selection within a single loop, which decides
between the two formats. The drawback is that the the same condition
checking repeats for each loop iteration.

Is there a way to set the formatting outside the loop , and use that
format in the loop to address the two drawbacks above.

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"; %>

            <c:when test="${param.listBy == 'xFirst' }">
                <c:forEach var="item" items="${requestScope.items}">
                     ${item.x} ${item.y} ${item.z}
                     <a href="/show?id=${item.id}">show item</a>
                     <a href="/edit?id=${item.id}">edit item</a>
                     <a href="/delete?id=${item.id}">delete item</a>
                <c:forEach var="item" items="${requestScope.items}">
                     ${item.z} ${item.y} ${item.x}
                     <a href="/show?id=${item.id}">show item</a>
                     <a href="/edit?id=${item.id}">edit item</a>
                     <a href="/delete?id=${item.id}">delete item</a>

Any input is appreciated.


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