> The rest of the Unsupported Builders are currently green and have no known
> issues. I request Brian's agreement to promote them to Supported Builders.
> (Remember, we are allowed to demote them to Unsupported again later,
> according to our policy.) Those are Ruben's Fedora builder and three
> machines of mine: zooko yukyuk jauntyish, zooko draco Mac-PPC 10.4, and
> zooko ootles Mac-amd64 10.4.

Ruben's Fedora box just failed (in the darcs checkout step) with an
exitcode=-1, which usually means that it's using PTYs when it shouldn't.
Ruben, could you modify your buildslave's "buildbot.tac" file to change
the "usePTY=1" line to say "usePTY=0" and restart the buildslave?

Zooko: the other builders look ok, feel free to promote them.

I'm somewhat uncertain about making the debian packages depend upon all
Supported Builders to finish, though, simply because of the time it takes.
Our dapper buildslave is the slowest of the bunch, frequently taking an hour.
Edgy (which runs tests with figleaf code-coverage tools, a 2x-5x slowdown) is
only slightly faster. I'd like to speed these builders up so we can get .debs
in a timely fashion. But, since it all happens in the background, I'm not too
worried about it.

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