
How can I convert branch_2_0 of
:pserver:anonym...@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/bubblemon into

I have tried and failed:

If I don't specify any start-revision, I get the HEAD branch and
everything works fine (except that I'm not interested in HEAD).

If I specify "start-revision = branch_2_0 INITIAL" my conversion ends
before really getting started:
07:59:36 [I] [Ok]
07:59:36 [I] Forcing CVS sticky tag in /tmp/grus
07:59:36 [C] Checkout of project failed!
Failure initializing the target VCS: Something went wrong: unable to
determine the exact upstream revision of the checked out tree in
'/tmp/grus'. Either you specified the wrong initial timestamp, or you
are checking out a composition of 'CVS modules' and Tailor does not
support them; see the option 'trim-module-components' for a possible

I've tried putting in different values for trim-module-components in
the cvs:source section of my config file, but nothing seems to happen.
 I have also tried messing with trim-module-components when converting
HEAD, and the conversion works fine no matter what value I put in

Attaching config file (tailor.tailor) and the output of my failed run

How can I convert branch_2_0 of
:pserver:anonym...@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/bubblemon into

  Regards //Johan

Attachment: tailor.tailor
Description: Binary data

Attachment: failed-run.txt.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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