--- On Wed, 27/5/09, Babstar wrote:

> I'm only new to OSM and GPS logging, but I found a lot of
> help on GPSpassion.com forums (they have a dedicated forum
> for data loggers).
> I did a fair bit of research and ended up purchasing a
> Qstarz BT-1000X from ebay (note, there are a three Qstarz
> BT-1000 models, you probably want the 1000X - newer
> chipset).
> From my limited experience the BT-1000X has good battery
> life (claimed 42 hours, users changeable mobile phone
> battery)
> the BT-1000X nominally logs 200,000 points, although
> realistically approx 110,000 with various extra logging
> enabled.
> Any of the MTK chipset models seem to work with the bt747
> free software  for windows, mac & linux.
> The older SiRFstarIII chipset appear to be capable,
> although battery life seems lower (typically ~8 hours).
> GPSpassion has several articles worth reading about the
> various chipsets
> 2007 Chipset reviews:
> http://gpspassion.com/fr/articles.asp?id=236
> SiRF
> http://www.gpspassion.com/fr/articles.asp?id=143&page=9

Thanks for the tips that everyone replied with, will give me something to swat 
up on.

I've looked through a few devices on ebay but while they logged a large number 
of points, some had a 5 second refresh which is a little too high, 1 second per 
point would be better, and 8 hour battery life isn't a biggy especially if they 
have a car charger.

Step 1. get a GPS logger
Step 2. arrange to have it go out on a few mail runs
Step 3. Profit?!?



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