Thanks for this info. I downloaded the routable maps last night and tried them out today at work (I'm a delivery driver - gives me lots of opportunity to try out the Etrex).

Mostly, the routable maps worked well - gave good point-to-point instructions. I did find one roundabout that asked to go round the wrong way - I will check that out in OSM later.

I loaded the maps into the Etrex using Garmin's Mapsource, so the problems with IMG2GPS can be deferred for the moment. Using MapSource also allowed me to load ContoursAustralia at the same time as the OSM maps, so I still have my contour lines. Thank you to other users who suggested alternate maps and download methods - I will check them out during the holiday break. But it is Christmas Eve, and I need to pack the car, and put in some waypoints for the unmapped wild caves (Timor Caves, NSW) that we plan to explore during the break.

Richard C.

Matt White wrote:
There are routable versions of garmin maps on the OSMAustralia site, but you've got to scroll down a bit to find them  - try this link

It does look like the IMG2GPS setup kit (and site has gone walkabout). I think I've got the setup kit kicking around somewhere - I'll email it to you directly

Others programs can push the maps to the Garmin devices - MapSource, M3, cGPSMapper (which is what IMG2GPS actually uses), and some others. Have a look around for other links (malsingmaps have some additional links but the site is a pig to navigate around)


Richard Colless wrote:
I'm new to OSM, having recently replaced my 12 year old Magellan GPS with a Garmin Etrex Legend CX.

I've been following with some interest the discussion about roundabouts and how they are mapped. I have downloaded the OSM maps into my Etrex, but as far as I was aware, the OSM maps were not routable. They certainly aren't on my Etrex. Any attempt to "GoTo" a waypoint or a POI gives an error message "No roads near starting point".

Now I know that this is not a fault of the Etrex. I have a card which I bought for $45 on eBay, which is routable, and will give turn by turn directions to a location. It's not much of a map, though. Streets aren't accurate, and many streets appear twice. And the nearest ATM to a SW Sydney suburb was the Westpac bank in Ballina. (What would you expect for a $45 card?)

But your discussion about roundabouts tells me that OSM maps can be routable, so I must be doing something wrong when I load them. I am downloading the individual .IMG files from the OSM Australia website (, and I have used a utility called MapsetToolkit to make the OSM maps appear in the Garmin MapSource program. This lets me simply select the tiles that I want, and transfer them to the Etrex via MapSource. It also lets me add Contours Australia maps, so that my OSM maps have contour lines. Works well, but the maps aren't routable.

I thought of trying the IMG2GPS program that is recommended on the OSM Australia website, but it doesn't seem to be available any more. All the links go to an expired domain name.

Does  anyone have any suggestions?

Richard C.*_** <>_*

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