On Sat, 2010-04-10 at 09:12 +1000, John Smith wrote:
> On 10 April 2010 09:06, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> > So, in other words.. yes, in some parts of the United States, freeway is
> > implied to mean no toll, whereas in most of the US (and the rest of the
> > world), freeway means the traffic flows free from restrictions,
> > regardless of tolls.
> We're not in the US, typically in NSW freeway has been used to imply
> free from tolls and motorway means tollway

As you might have noticed, in brackets there was a phrase 'and the rest
of the world', meaning 'not in the US'.  Can you point to any definition
that freeway implies toll-free?  The wiki page I referrenced seems to

> > I was under the impression that road number designations were moving
> > TOWARDS the Mx (plus A/B/C) standard, not away from it.
> So far in Sydney only the M7 has shifted, the other routes are still
> using the older scheme...

So, in other words, they ARE moving towards the scheme?  Im sure I
remember seeing a linked article here the other day about roadnames
changing to a lettered scheme.


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