Steve Coast <> wrote:
> Perhaps we're talking at cross purposes because most of the community I'm
> familiar with, which is all of the EU and the US, consider government data a
> nice starting point but mappers on the ground as generally much better. Is the
> perception in Australia that you should just do whatever the government says
> you should do? Or that OSM should just be a host for government data?

Mappers on the ground are much better, but government data is *already
collected*. It also has stuff that's difficult or impossible to collect
on the ground (or water), like marine park and national park boundaries.
Also, Australia is incredibly remote. When the US talk about remote
locations and low populated areas, we've got 'em beat.

> So they're only a potential source, things have not been imported?

Some has, but it's not compatible with ODbL and will probably be
deleted. I don't think anything has been imported for a while because of
Sam Couter         |
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