My apologies - fixing that process has been on my list for a long time (years...). The computer it runs on for some reason just shuts down randomly, so I often boot it up at work and let it run, but it doesn't stay up long enough to get through a generation run.

I moved most of the scripts off the old computer today onto a newer machine, and rebuilt them, but got side tracked at work and only got some basic testing done. I have upgraded the mkgmap version as well, so hopefully a few of the newer features will appear (I've got to experiment with a few of the settings, and I need to clean up a couple of the tpy files)

I'll try and finish it tomorrow hopefully - just got to cleanup the zip and upload process and we will be away.

If anyone wants the various scripts I use so they can run the whole thing themselves (it's on Windows not linux, so it's a little bit of batch file fun, although I was going to port them to powershell for fun), email me - the new file/folder layout I put together today makes it a little easier to manage the various files, and easier to add in other areas to generate.


On 4/05/2016 11:41 PM, Ian Steer wrote:

Does anyone know what’s happening with the website, and the regular updates of Garmin .img files ?

They used to be updated roughly weekly, but haven’t been updated since February.

(I use these files to update my Garmin GPS with the results of my (and everyone else’s) OSM updates.)


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