Maybe add the tag norender=yes when the owner or responsible body requests that a feature not be rendered. This might apply to private property, illegal tracks on public land , military bases and more. It would be up to individual map renderers whether they would respect the norender request. They might respect the tag differently for example in different countries.

I would not render at (excluding for example country wide requests) but would render in the ID editor.

The downside of my suggestion is that it might be adding another layer of complexity for little real improvement.


As you mention I can see these being useful for emergency services or
anyone who has been granted access to private roads/tracks.

If you're mapping based on what you can see from the aerial imagery, then I
see no issue with mapping these as access=private.

On Sat, 5 Oct 2019 at 09:46, Warin <> wrote:


I am in 2 minds about this ... these roads exist so they can be seen.

They might be usefull navigational features;

firstly to plot progress along a public road - you have just past this private road so you must he here on the map.

secondly for any emergency services - mainly thinking of fire, particularly of non local fireies.

Some object as mapping them may encourage inappropriate use.. "its on my map, so I can use it" is one of the responses. Sigh.

Adding access=private works for some renders and not others.


I do like to see the map with all these tracks, even private ones.

On the other hand I don't want people seeing a line on the map and thinking they can use it...


A middle ground? Show the start of the track and no more???

--------------------------- From the Aust. Tagging Guidelines

How I would tag farm tracks..
"highway=track Gravel fire trails, forest drives, 4WD trails and similar roads. "

Then goes on to

"highway=service Unnamed access roads. e.g.
Entrance ways and roads in parks, government properties, beach access
etc. Use a short service road where you may want to mark the entrance
to a private/government area, but not map the interior private roads
in detail."

The problem here is that some raise the "not map the interior
private roads in detail" as not mapping them at all.

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