On 30/4/22 00:45, Anthony Panozzo wrote:

This account is either a bot account or someone that thinks they know more than they actually do, every single time anybody does a routing correction this account comes along and “fixes” it based on “knowledge”

Some terminology before we start. To be valid a turn restriction relation needs to have:

1. A way with the role "from"
2. A way with the role "to"
3. One or more "via" s that can be either a node or one or more ways
4. The members must connect in a way that you can travel

When I say "broken" I mean that one of the rules is broken and when I say "knowledge" I mean I know what a valid turn restriction should be.

from the notes, let me just say I looked over some of the edit this account does and it breaks the routing for the most part, Changeset: 120344373 | OpenStreetMap

This changeset deleted this turn restriction:


which you added in changeset 118257827 and then broke in 118293106 (it only had a node via member). When I reviewed this one I decided to delete it because it would only duplicate this turn restriction:


which you added in changeset 119769921, if I fixed it.

<https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/120344373> and Changeset: 120198383 | OpenStreetMap

This intersection had 15 broken turn restriction relation in it:


You broke 14 and added one new broken relation (13991446). While I was deleting these I noticed that the intersection had some sort of cross-your-heart thing going on with added ways for turn lanes, so I simplified it to a standard traffic light box intersection:


You can turn right from each arm which means we don't have to have any no-right turns. There are 4 no-left turns because each approach has a slip lane. Since it's SA and at traffic lights then there are four no u-turns to cover that. This is exactly the same routing information that was there before, but now in a simpler easier to maintain format.

<https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/120198383#map=17/-34.76452/138.59301> are two examples of this account breaking routing, ive been wasting my time spending hours and hours fixing routing just for this shitty bot to come along and fuck it all up over and over again, I would like to ask DWG to take a real close look at this account and see if it can be banned from any further edits under the bot edit policy or straight out vandalism!

I am not a bot. Just a mapper with overpass, the JOSM validator, the to-do plugin, and many hours of puzzling over the question of what a broken turn restriction relation was supposed to be doing.

A couple of years ago I spent quite a bit of time fixing all the turn restrictions around AU, but I have to keep coming back every couple of months, as 100-200 newly broken ones get created every month. Mostly because iD will quietly break existing turn restrictions or let you create invalid ones and then upload them to OSM. I used to put changeset comments on the ones that had broken them until a user asked me how they could stop doing it and I discovered that there isn't a way to do that in iD.

My fixes should not be changing any routing outcomes as they are almost all deleting turn restrictions that iD didn't clean up after a mapper reconfigured an intersection. None of the examples you have pointed to have changed the routing outcomes as I check to make sure I understand what someone was trying to map before I fix it.

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