Purely as a question: Is there a case for actually mapping the whole cycleway separately as a cycleway? As a cyclist, I like to see what I have in store. Argument for: Well, that is what it is, a dual use cycleway and hard shoulder. And I guess main argument against: Ah, but it is not physically separated and, slightly repurposing Andrew's comment, "you are mapping paint".

On 2022-08-18 08:48, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Thu, 18 Aug 2022 at 13:17, Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com> wrote:

    We should explicitly tag every motorway with bicycle=yes/no
    because some motorways allow bicycles and others forbid them.

& then you get situations like this:

https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=-28.535651543577&lng=153.53896264714&z=17&pKey=1164980277280563&focus=photo&x=0.3457481526763355&y=0.5159430950498471&zoom=2.6582278481012658 <https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=-28.535651543577&lng=153.53896264714&z=17&pKey=1164980277280563&focus=photo&x=0.3457481526763355&y=0.5159430950498471&zoom=2.6582278481012658>

then 100m further:

https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=-28.536232873317&lng=153.53874804183&z=17&pKey=387825812412523&focus=photo&x=0.4645538612648733&y=0.5690565818776447&zoom=1.5949367088607593 <https://www.mapillary.com/app/?lat=-28.536232873317&lng=153.53874804183&z=17&pKey=387825812412523&focus=photo&x=0.4645538612648733&y=0.5690565818776447&zoom=1.5949367088607593>

which is tagged as: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/666546115

Yes, it works, I guess, but to my mind it looks ridiculous, & also errors in Osmose etc as an unconnected cycleway!



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