is a redirection to

There we can find today (14/6/2012)

the licence

Question 1 : do you understand, as I do that these data can be
imported into OSM and used with OSM, and redistributed under the OSM
licence ? (the licence has been inspired by Rennes which gives me a
good feeling)

THe data today cover

Open Data Parcours BD
Open Data bibliothèques francophones
Open Data des bibliothèques néerlandophones
Open Data toilettes publiques
Open Data urinoirs publics
Open Data parkings
Open Data parkings pour personnes handicapées
Open Data installations sportives
Open Data distributeurs bancaires
Open Data Centre administratif et bureaux de liaison
Open Data des bureaux de tourisme
Open Data auberges de jeunesse et hôtels pour jeunes
Open Data des bureaux de police
Open Data parcs et jardins
Open Data lieux culturels
Open Data musées
Open Data écoles francophones
Open Data des écoles néerlandophones
Open Data Maisons de quartier
Open Data canisites
Open Date bulles à verre
Open Data institutions européennes
Open Data Espaces Publics Numériques (EPN)
Open Data Points d'Accès Publics à l'Internet (PAPI)
Open Data bornes Administratel
Open Data actualités communales
Open Data concours
Open Data offres d'emploi
Open Data plantes exotiques invasives

The data could be interesting for OSM. They are of the form

====== textfile.csv =======
Bains du Centre,4.3459945,50.8376850
Centre Omnisports de Laeken,4.353679,50.874852
Centre sportif de Neder-Over-Heembeek,4.393240,50.899461

How would you organize the simplest import into OSM ? I suppose that
these data, to satisfy OSM quality guidelines, would have to be
checked by a human being, but the import could be simplified by a
script that would generate some maps that we could distribute, print,
check and import then in OSM ?

Can you comment on this ?

The site explicitely says " Suggestion de jeux de données" and
"Formulaire de suggestion de jeux de données"

What would you like to see published that could be useful for OSM ?
(by the city or the region or any commune/gemeente)



PS again I see tomorrow some people who can be influential on the data.
Nicolas Pettiaux

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