
In de reeks maandelijkse CRAB updates: Nieuwe CRAB data is processed en
staat reeds ter beschikking hier:


Zoals steeds verdwijnen er straten, maar komen er nog meer bij.  Deze straten 
verdienen vaak onze extra aandacht omwille van het feit dat ze vaak over een 
nieuwe verkaveling gaan waarbij niet alle addressen reeds in kaart zijn 

Kijk altijd even de lijst na van nieuwe ( http://crab-import.osm.be/new.txt )  
en gewiste straten ( http://crab-import.osm.be/deleted.txt )




In the series: CRAB updates

New CRAB data has been processed and is at your service using the
following url : http://crab-import.osm.be

As always streets come and go, usually there are more being created than 
deleted.  These streets often require our special attention as they might not 
be totally correct/complete yet due to the fact that it's often about locations 
with new development and ongoing constructing works.  It's possible that this 
data is not matching reality yet due to this.  Make sure you always check the 
list of new ( http://crab-import.osm.be/new.txt ) and deleted streets. 
( http://crab-import.osm.be/deleted.txt )


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