
The more automated the conflation is done, the more strict the import
guidelines have to be followed.

There are a number of tools that come to my mind:

- JOSM with OpenData & Conflation plugins
- Glenn's tool for GRB building import might be adaptable for your use
- Ilya Zverik's conflation tool that is currently used for the gas
station import  preparation.
- The tool the UK community uses to prepare their quarterly projects.
They did something around schools last last year, where the goal was
that the participants solved the conflation problem in their local

Conflation won't work easily for

- road surfaces: you might have to split existing OSM ways representing streets
- 3D buildings: It's very likely that their model does not match the
simple 3D model of OSM. Their is a separate repository for 3D models
- PT should be rather complete. Contact Polyglot to see whether the
data is so different from what we "imported" already

IMHO, manual conflation is preferable. Given the many mismatches
between any company/government data set and the reality, a check by a
human is necessary.



p.s. I can look up more information or contact info for particular
tools if you want.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 9:22 PM, eMerzh <merz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all :)
> I'm just discovering the data sets that are in
> http://opendatastore.brussels/  (brussels region)
> and some of them might be really interesting for osm.
> Like :
> - school list
> - streets surfaces
> - 3d buildings
> - parkings
> - transports stop poles
> and much more
> , but I was wondering if there was an "easy" way to do the conflation...
> automatically or semi-manually ...
> for now the only way I see is to transform data, put them in a postgis  then
> doing all the work manually... but...
> ** there must be a better way **
> no?
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