Richard Welty wrote:

>> a specific example that's in front of me right now is the Mohawk-Hudson 
> Bike-Hike Trail (aka the Mohawk-Hudson Bikeway). it spans two counties 
> and is maintained by the towns it passes through for the most part, sort 
> of sitting between local and regional. i've dithered over lcn vs rcn, 
> the description of the distinction on the wiki pages doesn't make this 
> very clear. it uses a mixture of dedicated paths on old canal towpaths 
> and old RR roadbed, and a some sections of roadway shared with cars, but 
> without dedicated bike paths (parallel parking, car doors, and everything.)
> now the Mohawk-Hudson bikeway is also considered part of the longer Erie 
> Canalway Trail, which is clearly an rcn, running as it does from Albany 
> to Buffalo.

Two relations:  One local for the Mohawk-Hudson, one regional for the
Erie Canalway.  Multiple references are allowed if they both apply.

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