Why not tag it as both? The surrounding ways are already tagged with both.
...or tag the ways as coastline and make one or more relations to mark the 
riverbank area. Whatever happens, having the coastline end for this short 
stretch does seem wrong, and if someone is reverting changes there, someone 
needs to contact them and find out their reasons.

Victoria, BC

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 3, 2014, at 7:40 AM, Adam Martin <s.adam.mar...@gmail.com> wrote:


I took a look at the area that you describe and I see what you mean - the 
coastline designation disappears around Sorel and reappears just past Montreal. 
Looking in the area of the gap, the use of "Coastline" appears to suddenly 
switch to "Water" and "Riverbank". The source of the information also switches, 
from the NRCAN database to Bing. 

I am not aware of a discussion that flagged this area to be left "as-is" on the 
map. I am also not sure why someone would be "protecting" the area from 
corrections / changes. 

However, I believe I can see where the confusion came from (at least 
partially). For reference, this is the St. Lawrence River, an enormous waterway 
that drains the Great Lakes into the North Atlantic. A river of this size 
generally cannot be described accurately with a single line in the centre of 
the waterway as it eliminates a vital level of detail of the surrounding area. 
So the St. Lawrence needs to be detailed as a water polygon in order to 
preserve the shoreline. The problem here is that there seems to be some 
confusion as to what sort of shoreline this represents - coastline or 
riverbank. The answer to that is rather complex - where exactly does the St. 
Lawrence River stop being a river and become part of the eastern coast of 
Canada? The switch between descriptions here appears to be part of someones 
attempt to "correct" the designation of the shoreline in the river for an area 
that they consider to be part of the "River" that is the St. Lawrence (as 
opposed to the coastline that the river drains into).

I think the question here is the same - where does the St. Lawrence stop being 
a river and start being a part of the coastline? 


> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 10:10 PM, Charles Basenga Kiyanda 
> <perso...@charleskiyanda.com> wrote:
> Anybody know why the coastline stops about midway along the Montreal Island 
> (and also Ile Jésus) and then starts again around Sorel? I got one report 
> from someone who tried to fix this and was quickly reverted. Should it be 
> fixed at some point and it's just such a large undertaking that nobody is 
> willing to do it yet or was there a discussion and subsequent consensus to 
> adopt the current state of the coastline?
> Thanks,
> Charles
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