A few things I can think of:

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 3:13 PM Martijn van Exel <m...@rtijn.org> wrote:

> * Are there any Canada-specific mapping and tagging conventions?
- There seems to be a strong consensus that what elsewhere would be
highway=unclassified is highway=residential, no matter if the road is in a
populated area or not.

* Are there any known big (national) issues in the Canadian OSM data?
> (misguided imports / bots, major tagging disputes, that kind of thing)
I believe these mostly affect Quebec, but there are two import problems
that never got systematically fixed, as far as I know:
- CanVec import of highways where lanes=-1 and surface=unpaved.
- CanVec or Geobase import where there is an extra blank between the street
type designation and the name. E.g. Rue__Sherbrooke instead of

 Harald (now in the US)
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