Bjenk(STATS Can) is communicating/pushing with the the city of Ottawa, even
may resolve to offering coffee bribes to be able to host the shared file on He's been relentless in his effort to move the project
forward, but as most Canadian gouvernment entities it moves at a snails
pace as it is stuck in bureaucratic hell.

On Oct 24, 2016 5:38 PM, "Stewart C. Russell" <> wrote:

> Hi Christoph,
> > Could you please clarify what the alleged source of the building data to
> > be imported is?
> Yes, as far as I understand it, at least: these data to be imported were
> given to a group of OSM contributors by the City of Ottawa. They have
> explicit permission to include it in OSM from the City. The only place
> you can inspect the data is on the contributors' own hosting sites, as
> the city doesn't host it anywhere. Details of the licence and
> permissions are on the Ottawa import information page.
> > What is shown in
> >
> >
> >
> > does not match geometry-wise.
> I know. That link was derived from the city's own topo database from
> 2011, which *is* published on the city's open data website. I have a
> feeling that the city doesn't want to give away their 2016 topo database
> — not realising that by allowing the 2016 building outlines to be
> imported into OSM, they kind of *are* giving away the current database ...
> The public 2011 data set is cut into 2×1 km tiles, slicing through
> buildings on the border. There are no common attributes which would
> allow repair, as the data is packaged in AutoCAD DWG files.
> So the options are:
> 1. Import from a current source that we have OSM contributors' word that
> was provided by the city under a permissive licence, or
> 2. Import from a data set that is published on the City website but is
> possibly outdated, is in a horrible file format, has no documentation or
> metadata (apart from the licence) and would need a large amount of
> cleanup to be remotely usable.
> If [2] is the only option, I have a feeling that the Canadian federal
> government, the City of Ottawa and Open North (the open data advocacy
> group providing coding and community liaison support) would be strongly
> disinclined to work with or support OSM again. Worst of all, the tiny
> Canadian OSM community might lose some very dedicated mappers if this
> process puts them off contributing again.
> cheers,
>  Stewart
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