So are we happy with Yaro's suggestions?  Or perhaps I should rephrase that
can we live with them?

On the task manager square size I take it these have been split and split

Thanks John

On Mon, 4 Feb 2019 at 18:08, Yaro Shkvorets <> wrote:

> Briefly, here are my thoughts.
> 1) *Simplification*, i.e. removing nodes in the middle of a straight
> line. We should be able to apply this fix to the original data. Looks like
> James has done it a couple of weeks ago, so we can try take this data and
> go with it if there are no objections.
> 2) *Almost square angles*. Simple squaring in JOSM (Q) is a non-starter
> as it ruins geometries. Looks like we found a way to do it using JOSM
> Validator (this thread:
> I think it should work. I don't like preprocessing data for this step since
> there would be no way to go back if the algorithm makes a mistake. Besides,
> I don't think we were able to find a working script to do it to begin with.
> 3) Preserving *building history*. I agree we should absolutely try to
> preserve the history whenever possible. "Replace geometry" (Ctrl-Shift-G)
> is the way to go here. For the record, here's what I meant when I was
> writing about possibility of deleting clusters of low quality generic
> buildings (there exist far worse than that):
> If we want to preserve history for these
> buildings as well - fine by me.
> 4) *Import data quality vs existing OSM quality*. If there is any
> difference it should be addressed on a case-by-case basis by a person doing
> the import. Checking building history, imagery, etc. From my experience in
> Toronto East, import data is almost always more recent and has better
> details. IMO in the end we should try to replace geometries in most cases.
> 5) Secondary bulidings that are not in the dataset (*sheds, garages*). We
> should leave those to local mappers. Import should only be about importing
> data from the dataset.
> 6) *Square sizes*. I agree, in the high density Toronto core current
> squares are indeed too big. However, creating new smaller project at this
> point would make things quite complicated along the edges since we would
> have to deal with already imported data. I would prefer to finish Ontario
> project the way it is right now. If a square turns out to be too massive,
> the person doing the import will need to tackle that square in several
> changesets.
> On Sun, Feb 3, 2019 at 7:06 PM john whelan <> wrote:
>> I'm not hearing we have a clear consensus on modifying the shape of
>> buildings with scripts and the Q button.
>> My own personal view is it could introduce errors and unless it is very
>> obviously wrong when it should get picked up by the importing mapper it
>> should be left as is.
>> Cheerio John
>> On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 at 18:26, john whelan <> wrote:
>>> I'm hearing we keep the single import project as such.
>>> I'm hearing that we should preprocess the data first splitting out
>>> outlines that meet Pierre's right angle checks.  This data can just be
>>> imported using the current processes.
>>> I'm hearing we should then run the correcting scripts and extract the
>>> corrected buildings.  This becomes the second stage.  This data should be
>>> imported separately to the first since it needs to be more closely
>>> inspected in case the script has caused some deformation.
>>> At the moment I'm not sure if the two scripts above exist.
>>> I'm hearing what is left becomes the third stage which needs to be
>>> sorted out manually before being made available for import.  Again I see
>>> this as a separate task since the outlines will have been modified from the
>>> original.
>>> Note to James is the above practical?  Do we have the resources to do
>>> it?  Please do not do anything until we have an agreement to proceed.
>>> I'm hearing the existing imported building outlines will be subject to
>>> an overpass to pick out those building outlines that are not square.
>>> Then the "a miracle occurs" box on the project plan gets these into a
>>> JOSM todo list and mappers manually sort them out.  I'm not certain how
>>> this will happen.  I suspect if the overpass query is small enough and
>>> the buildings are loaded up from an off line source this might work.
>>> To come back to Toronto my feeling is this is best left to the local
>>> mappers in Toronto to decide how to proceed.  There is/was room for a local
>>> coordinator in the project plan.  Nate's expectations are different to mine
>>> and I think it makes sense for the local mappers to decide what they would
>>> like to do together with Nate and a Toronto mapper set themselves up to
>>> coordinate in Toronto.  The speed at which the buildings were added has
>>> been raised as a concern.  I'm unable to think of a way to address this
>>> other than a "please take it slowly" added to the instructions.
>>> Again this option is available to any other areas who would like to use
>>> this method.
>>> I feel for Quebec the best thing to do is hold back until we have an
>>> agreement for the rest of the country since there are Quebec mappers who
>>> are not following this thread on talk-ca and to be honest we do seem to be
>>> evolving on a hourly basis so waiting until the dust settles might well be
>>> sensible.
>>> Am I missing something apart from my sanity?
>>> Thanks John
>>> On Sun, 3 Feb 2019 at 17:07, Pierre Béland <> wrote:
>>>> Je suggère oui, d'abord le script avec 2 fichiers d'output parce
>>>> qu'ensuite il sera beaucoup plus simple d'importer les données déja
>>>> corrigées. Sinon une variable pour distinguer les deux et risque de
>>>> l'importer dans OSM ? Et je pense à un autre aspect. Le script pourrait
>>>> s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas de superpositions entre bâtiments une fois les
>>>> données corrigées.
>>>> L'importation des données orthogonales devrait être grandement
>>>> facilitée. Selon l'exemple d'Ottawa, quelque 75% des bâtiments répondent à
>>>> ce critère une fois les polygones qasi-orthogonaux corrigés. Pour ces
>>>> données, il s'agirait davantage de valider avec l'imagerie et de faire la
>>>> conflation avec les données existantes.
>>>> Pour l'importation des données irrégulières, il faudrait oui valider /
>>>> corriger. A ne pas oublier que dans ce cas on retrouve des angles qui
>>>> s'éloignent de plus de 5 degrés vs données orthogonal. C'est visuellement
>>>> facile à repérer.  Souvent, il s'agirait simplement avec JOSM d'utiliser la
>>>> touche «Q» pour orthogonaliser.  De nombreux appendices de batiments on un
>>>> angle prononcé dans le fichier et cela peut etre redressé à 90 degrés. Le
>>>> greffon ToDo est très utilie pour réviser successivement des données et
>>>> s'assurer de toutes les réviser.
>>>> A titre d'exemple, on peut décider d'orthogonaliser le bâtiment
>>>> ci-dessous avec beaucoup d'angles se rapprochant de 90 degrés mais avec une
>>>> variance plus grande que +-5 degrés. Pour détecter davantage de bâiments
>>>> quasi-orthogonaux, il serait possible de tenir compte de cette situation
>>>> uniquement pour angles à 90 avec critère tolérance +-10 degrés. Je vais
>>>> tester cette option et voir si cela permettrait de détecter un grand nombre
>>>> de cas.
>>>> angles entre 82.6 et 94.5 degrés
>>>> {82.6,85.7,87.4,90.3,96,94.5,85.5,84.8,91,90.8,89.3,89.8,90.4,91.1,91.1,93.6,87.1,82,87.3,84.7}
>>>> Pierre
>>>> Le dimanche 3 février 2019 15 h 45 min 33 s HNE, john whelan <
>>>>> a écrit :
>>>> I accept the nicest way is to check the data beforehand.  Scripting it
>>>> is fairly simple.  Are you suggesting a two stage process of take the data
>>>> and run the script first then task manager the data to be imported to
>>>> manually correct the data?  My eyesight isn't good enough to pick out none
>>>> right angled corners so is there some way someone can come up with to feed
>>>> them into a JOSM todo list?
>>>> However we have a fairly large number of building outlines that have
>>>> already been imported.  The issue here is different as extra tags have been
>>>> added.  Can the questionable ones be identified in such a way that a JOSM
>>>> todo list can be used to correct them rather than throw out all the work
>>>> that has been done adding tags?
>>>> I think you are assuming a more top down management arrangement than
>>>> exists with volunteer Canadian mappers.
>>>> Thanks John
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> --
> Best Regards,
>           Yaro Shkvorets
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