John, these aren't my fish to fry; this endeavor belongs primarily to Canadian 
OSM volunteers with optimistic attitudes who have the courage to envision a 
finish line of mighty and pride-inspiring results into existence.  Being 
encouraging, my feeling is it IS possible to reach consensus across Canada.  It 
might be rough going at first, it might seem like the iterative process is 
taxing or even exhausting at times (especially early on in the project, as it 
is now), yet patience, the realization that when you bite off a nationwide data 
importation you'll have to chew (and chew and chew and chew...) before you can 
swallow a bit and recognize some important milestone of progress, but I am 100% 
certain Canada can and will get there.  It is already in the process of doing 
so, and while "sausage making can be a mess!" I'm sure there are many who look 
forward to delicious results.  Be heartened and courageous, be optimistic and 
visionary.  If or as you don't, others will (and already have).  Keep up the 
good work, everybody!

(who usually doesn't like to be simply a cheerleader, though sometimes it helps)

> On Mar 2, 2019, at 4:33 PM, John Whelan <> wrote:
> >More discussion often yields consensus. 
> Feel free to lead the discussion and gain consensus.
> My feeling is it will not be possible to reach one across Canada.
> Good Luck
> Cheerio John

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