
> Konkretes Beispiel, ich würde gerne halbautomatisch carsharing=stadtmobil
> in amenity=carsharing + operator=stadtmobil ändern.

dazu sollte Raphaels Tipp ausreichen. Die Suche im JOSM beherrscht noch ein 
paar Spezialitäten, wie Fred mal gepöostet hat:

-- 8<--

[OSM-talk] JOSM search secrets

while reading the code I found out a few things about searching in 
JOSM that I didn't know about.

Did YOU know that you can search for

"type:way name:- modified"

to find ways that you have edited in the current session and that have 
no name?

Did YOU know that you can search for

"amenity:pharamacy selected"

to reduce your selection to all pharamacies (without adding pharmacies 
that weren't previously selected)?

Did YOU know that you can search for


to select all objects that are mentioned in my.file.name.osm?

Updated docs at http://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/Help/Action/Search.


-- >8 --


Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Best regards,


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