Hello Steve

SteveC wrote:
> Recently I had the luck and privilege to travel to some places in  
> Germany, Italy and other countries and meet OSMers. This was very  
> educational and I learnt a lot about how the different communities  
> work in these places. There are some subtle differences between  
> different countries and how OSM works in each one. Some have more  
> mapping parties. Some have meetings like Stammtisch. Some have PR.  
> Some organise on the mailing list. These are healthy differences.

those differences exist also inside countries

> One thing I noticed a lot everywhere though was some misunderstandings  
> on what the foundation, the OSMF, are doing. It feels a little like  
> FUD[1]. 

i think the problem with OSMF is that the foundation is almost
invisible for most mappers. (but that's how the foundation was initially
planned, if i remember that right)

> These misunderstandings related to the license, the servers,  
> the working groups, the software, the State of the Map conference and  
> other things.

at some point i gave up to follow the discussion about the new license
on the mailing list and wiki, but i still hope to get an update at the


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