2012/9/6 Richard Fairhurst <rich...@systemed.net>:
> Je serai heureux d'ajouter réprojection Lambert->spherical Mercator à
> Potlatch 2.

Salut Richard

> L'accès aux images avec cookie sera moins facile, mais on peut créer un
> proxy cadastre_tools (sur dev.osm.org peut-être). Malheureusement quand
> j'essaie
> richard@errol:~/cadastre$ ./cadastre_client.py 399409.28@165107.11
> 405833.71@171964.30 3800 Caen 14 caen_city.png
> le resultat est entierement blanc
> (http://richard.dev.openstreetmap.org/caen_city.png). Peut-etre vous pouvez
> m'aider?

This is because you use the coordinates in the previous projection
system Lambert 4 zones in your request. Since almost 2 years, the WMS
works with Lambert CC 9 zones projections. I say "projections" because
it works with different values in 9 zones depending on the French
département number (not a latitude).
The script cadastre_client.py is too old (2008). I would recommend a
more recent script which seems to be simpler to use : "cadget"

Using a centralized wms proxy is the 3rd solution but I don't know if
the main cadastre.gouv.fr will support this. The problem is if you
request multiple municipalities in parallel, one for each of the P2
client. I think that currently only one session (cookie) is allowed
per IP (to be checked). Probably you will have to open/close the
session for each request and I don't know how the WMS will react on
this if you have 50 or 100 users calling the cadastre layer at the
same time (and not speaking about the performance).

Another point is that you will have to introduce a dialog first in P2
asking the municipality name. Since the municipality names are not
always unique within France (or even within the same département) or
syntax might be different, you could receive an answer from
cadastre.gouv.fr containing a list of municilities and their correct
cadastre ID. Then you should ask the user to select one of them. If
the current view does not correspond to the municipality projection
(don't forget, we have 9 zones), the result might be a blank image.

You can find more details about the special WMS protocol on the wiki
I could expand it with the details about how to retrieve CODE field
(the municipality ID within the cadastre system).

What I'm saying here is only for the municipalities in vector format
and for French départements in Europe land (including Corsica). About
one third of the municipalities are not vectorized and the http
requests work a bit differently. Also the overseas départements use
other projections


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