
have any plans been made for a Lug radio mapping party? I am free on
Sat and would happily do some mapping in Wolverhampton.


"Andy Robinson \(blackadder-lists\)" <ajrli...@googlemail.com> schrieb:

> Lug radio Live is fast approaching, running on Sat 24th October.
> This would seem a logical date to do a mapping party. While the lug
> folks listen to lug stuff we can feed out and map, returning to
> spread the word at lunchtime etc.
> I'm due to talk about OSM at 15:00, not clear yet if they will have a
> proper "exhibition" but I'm sure we can ad hoc something as required.
> Who's available that weekend? Wolverhampton has much unloved area
> still to map.
> Cheers
> Andy
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